Be the Most Envied Husband on the Block

Without losing yourself in the process!


Arguments Fast


With Your Wife


Respected Again

Sometimes your anger gets the best of you...

  • You show up for everybody all day

  • There's nonstop pressure: perform at work, help more at home & be SuperDad all weekend

  • The stress piles up

  • You bottle it. (I mean, what else are you supposed to do?)

  • You feel low-level irritated (let's be honest: pissed off) all.the.time

  • You can't remember the last time you were truly relaxed and happy

  • There's nonstop pressure: perform at work, help more at home & be SuperDad all weekend

  • You bottle it. (I mean, what else are you supposed to do?)

  • You feel low-level irritated (let's be honest: pissed off) all the time's no wonder you don't know what to do with it!

Your Wife Always Looks and Sounds Mad at You

But, is she really mad or is she a REALLY missing you? 

I mean, she married you because she liked AND loved you. Y’all were best friends wanting to create a life together.

Your Kids Don’t Want

To Be Around You

The shame and guilt that comes from seeing your little people tip-toe around you, trying to figure out who they can be with you….

THAT was never part of the plan or the ‘fairy tale’ life.

Kids don’t have the perspective of knowing who you were before THEM.

Built Up Feelings

Are Affecting Your Work

The anger and frustration that grows is overwhelming. What happened to work to live instead of this live to work?

Work/Life balance?

Yeah, right….

Remember that

easy-going guy you used to be?

Before mortgages and kids and everything getting so complicated?

He’s still there. And you’re still him.

You just need a little bit of coaching to . . .


Arguments Fast

Imagine looking forward to both home AND work with no anger overload to "manage".

We'll break down those disagreements-turned-arguments and identify small changes that will bring BIG results!

And you'll learn the language of relationship that keeps you both engaged and happier!


with your wife

See yourself enjoying talks with your wife even when the kids are going a little haywire!

You miss her and want her to want to spend more time with you again!

 You and I will identify and create opportunities for togetherness to happen more consistently!

And it won't have to take forever!


respected again

Feel yourself walking like a respected and confident man. Know that anything that comes at you does NOT define you or your life!

Working together we'll establish what you DO WANT vs what you don't want and bring that vision to life! Step by step, mile by mile, I'll be there to support you!

While not overnight, it will happen sooner than later. And with consistency, you won't fail!

What if people saw you as more than

"just angry"?

I've helped 100's of men just like you.....

I understand how important it is to feel respected in your relationship. That’s why I’ve helped 100's of men just like you take control of their reactions and rebuild their relationships with love and respect. 

~ Delee, Certified Clini-Coach®

"I am more at peace...."

"Delee helped me go from constantly annoyed, agitated, frustrated, and angry to where I am now. I can't remember the last time I felt like this. I am more at peace but I'm still having trouble with anxiety but able to control it better than before. Thanks! "~ K.W.

Custom Coaching

To Meet Your Unique Needs!


Your Relationships

  • Individualized 1:1 Coaching for YOU!

  • Exclusive VOXER Access Package - support when you need it most!

Both bring transformation to your relationship with self & others + S.H.I.F.T.s in communication get you to the finish line faster!

  • Speak with authority - in a way that keeps you from being seen as either aggressive or just silent

  • Hear clearly - listening differently allows others to feel heard, respected and valued!

  • Initiate differently - conversations, connection and more!

  • Feel authentically - when feeling words are simply descriptors, they are easier to use in the right situation. Don't be seen as just ANGRY - you're far more than just that!

  • Trust fully - trust yourself, trust your spouse, trust that the relationship can work through the good, the bad and the ugly of life.

Men Just Like You Have Said…

"Working with Delee took me from frustrated to optimistic". ~ K.K.S.

"I was angry and lost & now have the tools to work through life's problems." ~ R.W.

Now, Imagine Your Life With Their Transformations…

you want to

R.E.V. it up!


Learning to talk and respond in the way that you always imagined it could be. You feel closer and connected and you’re showing your kids HOW to do it….the right way!


Approaching problems (or people) calmly decreases the tension.

Why wait for everyone else to change?


Instead of life calling all the shots and knocking you around, get back on top of your own life!

You’re active in your life vs

re-active to people and/or problems! You don’t have to be a brute to get things done….or, hate what you’re doing.

Delee D'Arcy

Hi, I'm Delee, a Therapist-turned-Clini-Coach® helping strong men like you communicate well with the people who matter most

Don’t you hate it when your spouse asks (again) “Why are you angry?”

You snarl back “I’m NOT angry!


My friend, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck………

….how could they know that you’re actually feeling tired? Sad? Lonely? Or disrespected?

You’re not being clear and they can’t read minds.

I hear you, though.

I understand how important it is to feel respected in your relationship. That’s why I’ve helped hundreds of men just like you take control of their reactions and rebuild their relationships with love and respect

Those men? They got it.

And I want you to ‘get it’, too - easier and faster!

Imagine you and me making that happen: resolving those arguments faster, reconnecting with your wife in a way that works for you both resulting in regaining respect the right way!

You’ve been dealing with this for a long time.  And as a problem-solver not solving the problem, you’re uncertain which way to turn now.  

We need to talk. NOW!

Why feel miserable any longer than you have to?

Call now and let’s get you to your goals!

Many men believe that their wives don’t listen to them. I coach men through these challenges, so they can communicate with their wives and feel respected in their homes.

~ Delee, Certified Clini-Coach®

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